Sunday, 22 July 2018


To today I am curious about why do people not try new things esipt they normally go to YouTube and watch video but can’t they not to try new things 🤨 don’t people not think about if they ceart new things and share that and they might get famous.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Goal sitting

Today I tried my best to do my drama. with my group and when I go home which is at nomely at 5:30 .but sometimes I have to go after school straight after but some times I go at 4:30 but my goal is to inprove in my studies so I get a job like my dad and my mother and my family.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Narrative Assessment - iDevelop

Narrative Assessment                    Date: 15.6.18
Learners:  Armann                   Learning Coach: Megan Croll - LH6
Learning Area:  Maths Problem Solving
Learning Observed
This is a narrative assessment of collaborative learning during a maths
problem solving session.  We had previously introduced the learners of LH6 to
Kagan Structures and explained how we had grouped the learners into four
different colour groups. Each colour had a role in the group, e.g. recorder,
resource collector.  We then invited the learners to find other learners from
each other the other colours. Armann connected with the others in his group
and they were asked to support each while solving the following problem:

Armann and his group were first given time to discuss the problem and identify
the information provided in the question.  They were then given 10 minutes to
independently draw and solve the problem.  After 10 minutes, I asked all the
learners to check in with the others in their group and share what they had
solved so far.  Then, as a habitat, we discussed some of the thinking that was
taking place.  Some learners in other groups shared that there would have been
12 creatures in the pool, because each creature has 2 eyes and there are 24 in
total. At this stage, I gave all groups another 10 minutes to continue solving the

Armann used some addition of doubles and repeated addition to find how many
creatures there were based on there being 38 eyes and each creature would
have 2 eyes. Armann has correctly recorded that the answer is 3, but there is
no evidence to show that he came to this answer by himself. I noticed that while each member in his group were busy trying to solve the problem independently, there wasn’t a lot of discussion and sharing of ideas. At the end of the session, Armann and another member in his group were sharing their thinking, but I'm not sure that they were listening carefully to each other's ideas.

Evidence of learning

Next Steps:
* Share ideas amongst members of his group in order to help make sense of
  the problem
*  Listen carefully when other learners are sharing their learning
*  Be prepared to make changes to his thinking

Narrative Assessment - iExplore

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Today I we’ll yous my new learning in all of the different ways and I learned that to do some drama it is very hard. and that now I now that sometimes you don’t have to do what is the funest .thing and that I enjoy doing drama a lot but it is very hard for me and others but I don’t now and I’m even going to .I will even share my new learning in ixperents and this is not only going to help me not anly this other things but some times I’ve forgetn a lot of times.
Today it was a pretty hard day. but it would have been better if we didn’t go swimming. but I enjoy swimming in the now that my day is over I will have an sleep. Over night it we’ll be even harder.for tomorrow because I have to go for komun. And I even have to go to school.
School is my first favourite in all the other classes. I don’t have fun I like to learn. Things which is my mostly right thing to do. Thankyou for reading mum and others.thankyou

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

I reflected

Today I asked about if I can finish my work for today but I cannot mostly do it bocsse the author girls wear saying that you’re doing this skript not that one then I had to go and do something else I didn’t know what I needed to do l tried to find my password for my Mathletics but it didn’t really finished anything but I even thought about trying to finish my dising which is called 3d printing it was very hard to do it but now I have to make a hole in the middle of the cones but now that means that I have to change the hole thing which is going to be very difficult for me.