Sunday, 24 September 2017

today I filt caliging to writing and to run for 41 mints and longer today I larnt my 10 hafs and time tabils and moltplis  are ticare wos ms piche ms k wos'ent ther today it wos drifent fome the ader days bocoes we den't go to basc ball and ested we did writing stoys and ixplore on wenisday we are prizenthing in grops I don't haw a badie in ixplore we can make things and more my ixplore is about wiy do wego to war 

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Armann in my now learning I lrnt that how to dow a harder life and then we can make a little bit of a little bit more fun with a little bit of fun and learning skills and learning how to solve a problem with a little bit of learning 

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

today in my new laning I larnt haw mac the things wich wel get on manday and sallie for maketday it is going to be fun to sealli staf like toys ice cram and wood wich has nalis for piple how has natiing and to halp pipl like old pipla and kids aniy parssin it can be are pirents and adar pipl how are porru Iwie tiem I riat.aweie time I riet we are in a grop the grop wos 3 ore 4 pipl in a grop I did wot I cood do.
today in my new larnig I lart intarapeideuy the spots which are the spots which the cantreis playing for 

Sunday, 3 September 2017

today in my new learning I did fiend out dat coding can ceotrolldba my seilf.

Friday, 1 September 2017

today in my new learning I wan't to sear weed my parents that I learnt haw to codieng.